
Hello, my name is Delia Palfreman and I am a leadership and performance coach working within the financial sector.  This page is to tell you a little bit about myself and my career.

Professional Profile

My entire career has been in banking where I have held roles at various levels; managing teams in multiple divisions. I have always had an interest in personal and team development, this motivated me to study for a certificate in Gestalt and qualifications in systemic coaching. The combination of knowledge and experience allows me to understand the issues and challenges that my clients face. Therefore, becoming a coach within the financial sector was a natural transition.

I have deep level experience working within Financial Market businesses as both practitioner and coach.
I coach senior executives, leaders, managers, traders, salespeople and systems people within the front office business of NatWest Markets over several years and have logged over 1700 hours of coaching. My role has also included working with support functions and project teams, helping them to grow and ensuring projects run smoothly and are implemented effectively. 
I won an award for work developing internal mentoring groups to help women with career advancement.

My work experience includes spells at BBVA, Lloyds/HBOS, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Royal Bank of Scotland and Citibank and most recently NatWest Markets.

Areas of Expertise

  • Alignment of leadership style to organisation and teams
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Psychometric Assessment
  • Management of cross-functional relationships
  • New to role
  • Well-being and resilience
  • 360 feedback (often including family/friends)
  • Blockages and/or stagnation impeding progress
  • Conflict resolution - particularly when conflict is habitual
  • Team effectiveness
  • Building confidence


  • Certificate in Gestalt Humanistic Counselling (Gestalt Centre)
  • Accredited Leadership Coach (White Water Group and Association for Coaching)
  • Systemic Coaching and Constellations practitioner (The Centre for Systemic Constellations)
  • Qualified assessor in Emotional Intelligence EQ-i and EQ 360 (Psychometric Assessment)
  • Talent Q Certified Training – (Psychometric Assessment)
  • Practitioner and trained in Cohen Brown Sports Coach for Business
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